David Soul—beloved husband, father, grandfather, and brother—died yesterday after a valiant battle for life in the loving company of family. He shared many extraordinary gifts in the world as actor, singer, storyteller, creative artist, and dear friend. His smile, laughter, and passion for life will be remembered by the many whose lives he has touched.


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Comments (730)

  1. Corinne Hamel :

    David Soul, I have only realised how much I admire since you left us. I have learnt a lot about you since this day.
    I have discovered all the things you have done in addition to our dear Starsky and Hutch, which were not always so dear to you and Paul.
    You had some problem with fame, but you always sound or look so modest and shy in your interviews… You would be so sad for your country today, dear David… You were so generous, so human… I am still so sad today because you left us too soon…. I will continue to discover your work as long as I can. You were a great actor, a great singer and a great man.
    Thank you David. Your children must be so proud of you! As much as you were of them.

  2. Sharline Bertram :

    It was a joy to see you on Starsky and Hutch, your legacy in acting and music will live on forever. May you rest in eternal peace.

  3. 马鹏飞 :


  4. Chris :

    It’s almost a year now since you passed, Mr Soul, and you’re missed more than ever xx

  5. Carmen :

    David, siempre te recordaremos, has sido una persona entrañable, humana, un ser maravilloso, te cogí mucho cariño viendo tus series y tus películas, tus canciones, en ellas dejabas parte de ti, de tu sensibilidad como persona, la riqueza de tu corazón, tu esposa, tus hijos y todos nosotros estamos orgullosos de ti, te hemos seguido y siempre estarás en nuestros corazones, doy muchas gracias a Dios por haberte conocido, siempre vivirás, algún día volveremos a verte, mis condolencias para tu esposa e hijos y toda tu familia, mucho cariño y un fuerte abrazo desde Barcelona (España)

  6. Christina VELDEMAN :

    A year has gone since you passed away. You are not and never will be forgotten. My thoughts go to your family and friends on this sad day. I shall always remember your lovely smile and sweet voice. I shall be forever grateful for the joy you brought into my life.

    I am finding great comfort in the tribute video by Amber Raine.

    Rest in peace, dear David.

  7. Kati :

    Today I remember David as it is exactly a year ago since he passed. Last year I wasn’t able to find words for my sadness so I now would like to write some thoughts down.
    I am a great fan of David and I feel very happy to have met him four times: for a gig in Manchester in 2001, twice in Peterborough for “Deathtrap” in 2002 and for “Mack and Mable” in Eastbourne in 2006.
    Apart from being an England enthusiast, I came to England to see and hear David and I have always enjoyed it tremendously. Afterwards he always took time for a little chat and a photo.

    It all started with watching “Starsky and Hutch” on German TV in November 2000. Since then I fell in love with him and his way of acting, singing and performing in general. Because of him, I got in touch with many other people, I learned more about East German history, I feel especially enriched by his voice and music that accompany me in good and sad times. I’ll keep the memories of meeting David in my heart and on my mind.

    What remains for me to say is: THANK YOU SO MUCH from the bottom of my heart, David, for your talents, for the joy you brought to me and many other people and for having been you!
    Rest in Peace.

    Herzliche Gruesse/Kind regards, Kati (Germany)

  8. Ann wells :

    Thinking of David today – a year since he left us. Not a day goes by without remembering him. Such a special person. Thank goodness his music and films are here here for us. A really talented man. Thinking of his family too today.

  9. Joan DeMoss :

    One year ago today. RIP David. Bless Helen and his family who miss him every day, I’m sure. I play one of his CD’s as I am driving in my car. He is truly missed.

  10. Sara :

    It’s been one year since your passing. David, you will never be forgotten your love, laughter for others will always remain in my heart. Love to all the Soul / Solberg family x x

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